April 22, 2024
The team El Nuevo Bunguiao partnered with the City Health Office to conduct comprehensive health education on Family Planning and Responsible Parenthood to adolescent mothers in Barangay Bunguiao. Through this activity, it empowers adolescent mothers to make informed decisions about their reproductive health, reducing the risks of unintended pregnancies and improving maternal and child health outcomes. By providing knowledge and resources, it enables families to plan their futures, and foster healthy relationships, ultimately contributing to the well-being and sustainable development of communities.
This activity will not be a success without the participation of the Adolescent mothers of Barangay Bunguiao. We would also like to express out heartfelt gratitude to the City Health Office for imparting their knowledge and expertise to our community regarding Family Planning and Responsible Parenthood. As well as our active Barangay Council, Midwife and BHWs for their continuous support and guidance towards our activities.
